Traction Splint, Ferno, FERNOTRAC,

From: $618.00

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Ferno Traction Splint, Models 441 (Adult & Pediatric), 443 (Pediatric Only), and 444 (Adult Only)

SKU #: 09-0464A
By: Ferno  |  MPN: 0822182
SKU #: 09-0464C
Combo Kit, Adult/Pediatric
By: Ferno  |  MPN: 0822183
SKU #: 09-0464P
By: Ferno  |  MPN: 0822181

Common Additions:

SKU #: 09-507035
By: Ferno  |  MPN: 0313035


Product description:

Designed for use on patients with long bone fractures of lower extremities, the Fernotrac Traction Splint provides mechanical traction to relieve pain and reduce the possibility of further vascular and nerve damage. The Fernotrac is simple to use and comes with a ankle hitch, support straps and carrying case.
• Provides in-line mechanical traction to relieve pain and reduce the possibility of further vascular and nerve damage
• Heel stand folds flat for storage and instantly locks into place for support of the injured leg
• Full-length yellow nylon carrying case keeps splint sanitary and ready for use
• Simple adjustable wrap-around ankle hitch designed to allow EMTs to check pedal pulses
• Low-profile ischial pad permits splint to be applied with minimum movement of the patient’s leg
• Includes carrying case

*Model 441 (0822183) includes the Adult Traction Splint and the Pediatric Traction Splint.

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